Asylum and integration support


We are committed to refugees and migrants with direct support and advice.

When people flee from war and want to gain a foothold in a new country, three criteria are decisive for success: the housing situation, learning the language and consistent integration support that enables the asylum seekers to participate in social, cultural and societal life.

Basic care for refugees

We look after refugee families in our quarters and provide them with advice and support on all questions relating to the topic of integration. This is how we support people who want to stay permanently in Carinthia with their new start. We help primarily with clothing vouchers and, in exceptional cases, with financial bridging aid.

For more information contact us

Sonja Walder-Ambrosch BA

Asyl und Integration

Sandwirtgasse 2

9010 Klagenfurt

German courses

We also support asylum seekers with German courses in learning the language. These can be visited by adults free of charge. In addition to imparting theoretical knowledge, special attention is paid to improving conversational skills.

German documents

You can find comprehensive German documents for learning on the language portal of the Austrian Integration Fund – fund for the integration of refugees and migrants.

The following course could serve as initial documents:

For more information contact us

Mag. Patrick Schaupp

Kontakt Deutschkurse

Sandwirtgasse 2

9010 Klagenfurt

Das Porträt einer Frau ist zu sehen auf schwarzem Hintergrund. Es ist eine ältere Dame die lächelt, sie hat einen rothaarigen Kurzhaarschnitt. Links oben das Logo vom Caritas Wegweiser.

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