
© Daniel Gollner

We want you to feel comfortable! Whether we look after you at your home or you live in one of our nursing homes. If care is a new topic for you or you need support in caring for a relative - we are there for you.

Initial counseling for caregivers

Zwei ältere Damen sitzen im Garten und schneiden Kräuter, beide lächeln.

Get in touch with us, we will be happy to clarify the variety of offers. We advise and support you.

This new phase of life also brings with it many unanswered questions, which we are happy to answer. Together we will determine which form of care is right for you and your family, help you with the selection and then with the processing.

Please contact us for a personal consultation. Find out more about our offers directly on our website and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


For more information or an appointment contact us

care and nursing at home

Eine Diplomierte Gesundheits- und Kranenpflegerin misst bei einer älteren Dame im Rollstuhl den Blutdruck.

Home care and nursing in your familiar environment has a stabilizing and health-promoting effect. At the same time, inpatient stays can be delayed or even avoided.

Our offers include the assessment of care and support needs and the definition of care and household measures as well as advice and support for caregiving relatives. We offer home help as help with the continuation of the household, home care for basic care in your own four walls and home care for professional care at home.

Unfortunately, we can only offer you more information in German:

nursing homes

Zwei Bewohnerinnen malen gemeinsam mit einem Pfleger Papierteller aus und betätigen sich künstlerisch.

If life alone at home is no longer possible, we offer more than just professional care in our ten nursing homes. Our dedicated, professionally trained employees support and help to make life worthwhile and diverse in this phase as well.

Throughout Carinthia, our ten nursing homes offer you a family and warm-hearted environment in different regions. Whether you are looking for a long-term new home or a short-term stay, we will be happy to advise you comprehensively on the possibilities, financing and application.

Unfortunately, we can only offer you more information in German:

Relief for people with dementia and their caretakers

Eine ältere Dame mit weißen Harren und gelben Pullover sieht eine Pflegekraft an, die sie anlächelt.

We offer comprehensive counseling services and many support options for people with dementia and their (caring) relatives. The goals are always relief, raising awareness of the situation and sensitizing those around the affected families to the problems that arise.

mobile hospice

Eine Frau steht mit einem Menschen im Rollstuhl, die nur als Schatten gesehen werden, weil sie vor einem beleuchtenden Fenster stehen.

Would you like to take advantage of hospice care? We provide trained volunteers to help you!

Our volunteer hospice attendants take the time to be there for you, to listen and talk to you, to advise and inform you, to encourage and support you. They stand by you in what is probably the most difficult time of your life - whether at home, in a nursing home or in the hospital.

Our volunteer employees have completed extensive training that complies with the guidelines of the umbrella organization for hospice Austria.

For more information or an appointment contact us

Heidi Stockenbojer

Mobiles Hospiz & Besuchsdienst

Hubertusstraße 5a

9020 Klagenfurt

Das Porträt einer Frau ist zu sehen auf schwarzem Hintergrund. Es ist eine ältere Dame die lächelt, sie hat einen rothaarigen Kurzhaarschnitt. Links oben das Logo vom Caritas Wegweiser.

Caritas Guide

The first click towards help.

Don't know what to do? If you have a problem or are in distress, the Caritas Guide will lead you to the appropriate help service or directly to online counseling - quickly, anonymously and stress-free.