Living & shelter

We offer help for people who cannot afford the rent and/or operating costs or who have already been evicted and no longer have a roof over their heads.

Securing the living space

Vor einer Frau, die ihr Kleinkind am Arm hat liegt eine Zeitung mit Wohnungsanzeigen.

No or too little money for rent or operating costs? Don't know how to deal with your mountain of debt? We advise you and find a solution together with you.

In a free consultation, we work with you to find solutions for rent arrears, operating cost arrears or impending loss of housing. We advise and support you with payment problems, but also in advance with questions about applications for housing security and housing assistance.

We advise you and clarify your financial situation together with you.

What to bring with you to the consultation so that we can help as quickly as possible:

  • registration forms for everyone living in the household
  • identification document
  • rental contract
  • energy bill (e.g. electricity, gas, etc.)
  • proof of income (e.g. payslips) for everyone living in the household – this also includes allowances and alimony
  • receipts of the amount of rent arrears
  • letters or emails from landlords, courts or lawyers

We are responsible for the districts of Villach, Villach-Land, Feldkirchen, Hermagor, Spittal an der Drau and Klagenfurt-Stadt (with the exception of municipal housing). Is your district not included? Then contact Volkshilfe.

For more information or an appointment contact us

Beatrix Masser


Sandwirtgasse 2

9010 Klagenfurt

Homelessness assistance

Eine Mitarbeiterin des Eggerheimes gibt einer Besucherin Hygieneartikel aus.

Are you homeless or homeless? In our day care center we help you to find an apartment, arrange your finances and work out a solution together with you. Temporarily we also offer you a registration address so that you can gain a foothold again.


The "Eggerheim" in Klagenfurt is open daily. We will help you with food, such as hot lunches and packed lunches, clothing, sleeping bags and sleeping mats, and provide sanitary facilities and a washing machine.

opening hours

From April to October
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

From November to March
Monday to Sunday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m

Consulting offers

Do you want to find a place to live again? We arrange rooms and apartments and help with donations in kind. Temporarily we offer a registration address and manage your finances on request. We are happy to accompany you to doctors, offices and authorities such as the AMS and help you to obtain the necessary documents and papers.

Our employees will be happy to advise and accompany you!

office hours

Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. - 12 p.m
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

For more information or an appointment contact us

Emergency shelter

Mehrere Hochbetten stehen in der Notschlafstelle vor einem steht ein wohnungsloser Mann und seine Habseligkeiten liegen auf einem der Betten.

The emergency shelter in Kaufmanngasse offers the possibility of temporary overnight stays.

It's hard for us to imagine that it can really happen in a rich country like Austria, but due to job loss, illness or private strokes of fate, it always happens that someone suddenly no longer has a roof over their head. If you don't know where to stay overnight, the emergency shelter team is there for you!

opening hours

Monday to Sunday 6.30 p.m. to 7.30 a.m.
Admission until 8.30 p.m.

For more information or an appointment contact us


Kaufmanngasse 6

9020 Klagenfurt

Das Porträt einer Frau ist zu sehen auf schwarzem Hintergrund. Es ist eine ältere Dame die lächelt, sie hat einen rothaarigen Kurzhaarschnitt. Links oben das Logo vom Caritas Wegweiser.

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